Thursday, March 1, 2007


Yes, i realize my titles aren't all that original. Oh well, i think you all can get over that....

So, today (or should i say yesterday?) wasnt all that bad....

btw, im writing this at 7:15 am on thurs. not wed.

so, yesterday i went to school. which wasnt bad. and then i left right afterwards (for the second day in a row) and got a cavity filled. that kind of sucked /ass/. My mouth is stil sore.... ;_;

anyway, i was numb for a few hours on my right side of my jaw, but i got a banana pudding milkshake! that was /amazingly/ good. =3

then, we all went to Niki's! And i got lobster ravioli. =3 that made me happeh....

no real interesting comments about the day. Im a little pissed at my reporters right now...


Renny's the only one who's gotten me anything....

anyway, song for the moment-

Saosin - Voices

have fun, peeps!



Renny said...

You neglected to mention that although I got your stories?
I was late.

Yeah. Where are his goddamn stories? 'Cause I offered to help replace them. And I don't want to do any more work than necessary, because I am a lazy ass. COME ON, PEOPLE. STORIES.

teneal ann said...
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teneal ann said...

i should probably write a random foot-editorial like i said... sometime... but i'm not on the schedule so I AM SAFE.

niki's is teh mazing and you win.

and i double posted.

aaand renny beat me this time.